Emzone Salt Stain Remover, 15 Ounces
emzone Salt & Stain Remover is specially formulated to deep clean road salt deposit from the vehicle. It cleans stains around the footwell area and carpet caused by the corrosive road salt.
emzone Salt & Stain Remover restores the look of vehicleƒ??s mat and carpet area caused by regular seasonal use.
Helps break and remove stains marks and calcium deposit. Simply spray on the vehicleƒ??s carpet and around footwell area. Brush the mat to take off road salt and then clean the rest with the vacuum cleaner.
Dries up quickly! Suitable to be used on car's interior without water. Ideal for floor mats, carpets, seats and upholstery.
ƒ?› Remove dirt or debris from the area to be cleaned
ƒ?› Hold can 20-30 cm (8ƒ?�-12ƒ?�) away from surface and spray area liberally
ƒ?› Let stand for 3-5 minutes to allow product to penetrate and loosen the salt stain. Longer for tougher stains
ƒ?› Scrub with a brush as required to tackle tougher salt stains or salt build-up
ƒ?› Use a clean cloth, sponge or wet vacuum to remove residue and moisture from the treated area
ƒ?› Second treatment may be required for tougher salt stains
Note: For older or thick build-ups of salt, soak with a small amount of hot water to soften and loosen salt before cleaning.